Getting Your 1st Car Insurance Policy & What to Expect
Getting Your 1st Car Insurance Policy & What to Expect
The exciting time has come, you are getting a car! With this new adventure also comes the added protection of having the proper car insurance that can provide the peace of mind you need to be able to operate this vehicle without any of the additional worry.With that being said, it is important to learn more about what to expect from this process. Here is some useful information to help you to get more acquainted with knowing what to expect from your first car insurance policy.

What Type of Coverage Do I Need?
In the beginning, it is best to learn about the different types of insurance coverage. Since some coverage is mandatory and some is optional, you will want to start by identifying the differences and then deciding what you will need. This part of the process also includes learning more about the amount of coverage you should have built into your policy as well based on your personal needs.
Liability Insurance
Liability insurance provides coverage, in the event you are deemed at fault or just as the name says, liable for an accident. This includes, injury to others, as well as damage to their property. In certain cases, this coverage can also help with payments towards your legal fees.
Direct Compensation
Direct Compensation coverage is also important to have in cases that relate to any damage to your own vehicle or if you suffer any bodily harm, as well as not being the one who is found at fault. As a result, for this coverage, you only need to go through your insurance provider to access this claim.
Collision Coverage
Collision insurance also falls under the category of claims being made were you are involved in a vehicle collision, however are not found responsible for the accident. In addition to the occurrence of a collision, in the event your vehicle is damaged as a result of coming into contact with road debris and other objects such as poles and guard rails, etc., then this type of coverage can also be beneficial to have.
Accidental Benefits
Having Accidental Benefits can also prove to be a very important insurance piece to consider as this type of insurance is designed to cover any medical-related bills and treatments, you or your passengers may require following an accident. It also includes any injuries that are caused to pedestrians who have been involved in the incident.
Uninsured Automobile Coverage
As well, just as the name states, this coverage pertains to the event where you are involved in an accident that has been caused by an uninsured driver. Since this individual is not operating their vehicle with the proper, and even in certain cases, the mandatory vehicle insurance, this means they will not have enough coverage or any coverage they can claim towards these costs. Therefore, by having this coverage yourself, you will be able to access funds from your own coverage to cover any damages.
Comprehensive Coverage
Last, but not least, we have comprehensive coverage. This final type of car insurance can be considered a one-stop shop as it is comprised of many different types of available auto insurance options. Specifically, it provides you with the coverage you need to protect you and your vehicle against a variety of damages. In fact, this coverages also relates to instances where natural disasters, rioting and acts of theft have led to your vehicle being damaged.
Once you have decided what type of coverage you need, of course turning to an insurance broker for support is key. Many insurance companies have well-known reputations that reflect the quality and nature of their services, so you can rely of these reviews to help you choose the best fit for your needs.
Which Factors Affect Insurance Prices?
As a first-time auto insurance buyer, you should be aware of aspects that contribute to your insurance policy rates. It is important to also keep in mind, that insurance prices are typically determined by a variety of factors that include: where you live, your age, your marital status, the length of time you have spent driving, and of course, your past driving history.
With this being a new experience, like anything else, it is important to do your research and make the most informed decision you can when deciding what type of vehicle insurance to purchase. It is equally important to choose an insurance broker that will be the right fit for you.
Contact our insurance brokers at Leaders Insurance for more information about how we can best support you in this new endeavour. We are here to answer any questions you may have and to also help you learn the ins and outs of your first car insurance policy.
What to do if You're Trapped in a Vehicle in the Winter
What to do if You're Trapped in a Vehicle in the Winter
While we truly hope that this is the last thing you have to deal with on top of everything else right now, the reality is that Canadian winters can lead to all kinds of unwanted travel experiences - including getting trapped inside your vehicle. While it may not every come to that, it is still very important be prepared for this type of scenario - and this begins with being aware of the steps you can take to protect yourself.In the event, you do find yourself in this having to navigate this unfortunate situation, here are some tips to follow to ensure you can remove yourself from harm as soon as possible.

Remove Snow from Around Your Vehicle
If the first step does not result in the desired outcome, you can next turn to using traction to help get your vehicle moving again. Since traction works to overcome the constant spinning of the wheels, yet minus any actual acceleration, this process can add some more traction to allow movement as well.
This is where the kitty litter comes in. Here you can put kitty litter (or sand or salt) under the tires to give them something to cling to and help encourage movement of the vehicle. With any luck at this point, you have been able to get back in the car, hit the gas and free yourself from this unwanted predicament.
Remain Safe (and Warm) in Your Vehicle
In the event, these first two attempts do not help you to get your vehicle back safety out on the road, you also need to keep yourself safe, as this should be a top consideration throughout this entire process. If you find yourself unable to get out from the snowy conditions, it is recommended that you remain inside your vehicle and do everything you can to keep yourself safe until help arrives.
It is of course critical, that you have first contact someone for help. Therefore, make sure you have your cell phone and it is fully charged. After contacting the appropriate individuals for assistance, such as family, friends, and/or Emergency Services, you should remain in your vehicle to keep as warm as possible. Again remember to be aware of your surroundings and do what you can to attract the attention of those who are able to come and help.
Since you won’t be able to have the car on the entire time, it is however important to have the engine on for various intervals of time. While you want to stay as warm as you can, you also do not want to deal with breathing in carbon monoxide. In this case, the best way to stay safe can be to balance this out by keeping a window cracked for some of the time, and also turning the car off intermittently in order to heat it for as long as possible. You can also keep yourself warmer by putting on the additional winter clothing you have in your vehicle as you wait for help to arrive.
Draw Attention to Your Location
You have already called for help, now you can do what you can to attract attention to your location and make it easier to be found.
Some methods of signalling others is to have your 4-way flashes on and to also consider tying a bright piece of clothing near the top of the car to act as a beacon for those passing by. The flashlight you have in your kit can also come in handy here as it can be used to literally shine a light on where you are located. Whatever you can do to draw attention to yourself, while also remaining safe, is the best way to ensure you can get out of these dire circumstances as soon as possible.
Try to Remain Calm
Finally, do your best to stay as calm as you possibly can. You have taken the above steps to keep yourself safe and warm and to alert others to your location, now is a good time to try not to panic. Since panicking goes against our efforts to think rationally and in turn act safely, you can instead help yourself immensely during this situation by remembering to breathe and to remain as relaxed as you can.
Throughout all of this, you may also be worrying about the condition of your vehicle. That is also why having vehicle insurance can help provide you with the added piece of mind. Contact Leaders Insurance to find more about the type of coverage you may need in the event your vehicle experiences any damage due to extreme winter weather and the possibility of being trapped during this these harsher conditions. Instead, let us help you to feel more prepared for driving this winter.
Winter Home Checklist for 2021
Winter Home Checklist for 2021
With winter already in full swing in Canada, it isn’t too late to take the necessary steps to winterize your home.Here is a Winter Home Checklist for 2021 to help you ensure your home is well guarded from the winter elements this year.

Checking Your Heating Systems
Of course, you may have already done a heating system check prior to the really cold weather, however it is a good plan to do this again. It is not too late to check that you have not left anything out, as well as re-check these systems for any other signs of maintenance that may be required.
First and Foremost, if you have an outdoor air conditioner, you will want to make sure it is being protected while not is use. Your air conditioner unit should be kept clear of any leaves, branches, sticks, etc. It is also recommended that you place a cover over it to protect it, in particular the heating coils. from any moisture that can accumulate from the snow or ice.
Maintaining the Furnace & Fireplace Components
Moving onto the heating unit themselves, there are some steps you can take to ensure these are in working condition, in order to support the needs of your home during the winter months. When it comes to your furnace, it is recommended that you have a professional examine and the filters. Secondly, if you have a fireplace in your home, this will also need to be inspected prior to use each year. At the same time, heat vents should be checked for any blockages as well as this can mean that the heat is not effectively making its way into the proper parts of your home.
Examining Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Additionally, at the top of the list should be the inspection of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. This is so that you ensure they are doing their job effectively and keeping you, your loved ones and your home, safe.
Overall, the goal here is to make sure that when you are relying on all of these various heating systems, they are in fact, working as they should, while also ensuring you feel safe and secure in your own home.
2) Inspecting Windows and Doors
Also, a key element is keeping your home warm during the winter is the task of inspecting all doors and windows. This step also helps support the effective heating of your home, whereby ensuring that excess amounts of heat are not being lost to the outdoors.
Some specific aspects to look for include, checking that the weather stripping around the doors and window frames are not showing any gaps or signs of wear and tear. If you do identify this type of damage, it is best to repair it as soon as possible, so that you don’t have to suffer with unnecessary drafts as well as major heat loss in your home this winter.
3) Preparing Machines and Procuring other Winter-Related Necessities
In addition to prepping your house itself, you also need to remember to have your necessary winter gear on hand. These can include snow shovels, snow blowers, ice scrapers and snow brushes, and of course, ice. Having these items within reach will really save you in a pinch, when you are rushing to get out the door and also on your way to any one of your essential destinations.
You will also want to stock up on items like food, water, batteries, and flashlights, etc. as it is helpful to have these at your disposal, in the event that travelling is not an option, and also in the case of a power outage.
With winter weather in Canada being unpredictable as times, it is best to be as prepared as possible in order to deal with the demands of the season. Not only will you and your family be safe, your home will be as well.
With both your financial and your loved one’s well-being in mind, you can also look to home insurance as a key element of your winter home preparedness plan.
Reach out to the Leaders Insurance team to learn more about our services, and to find a home insurance policy that will best meet the needs of you – and your home as you look ahead to another season.
The Digital Future of Insurance
The Digital Future of Insurance
While for some time now businesses have been taking steps towards utilizing more technology in their day to day operations, it is also true that the pandemic and the various restrictions placed on Canadian businesses has made quite the case for the need to become more digitalized in a variety of ways.As a result of the events of the past year, insurance companies have also began to look further ahead to the necessity, as well as the efficiency of offering a wider range of digital services.
Let’s take a look at the digital future of insurance and some realities that are anticipated as this industry also leans into own technological evolution.

Online Collaborative Resources
One of the main ways that business have taken steps towards digitalized services involves using resources that enable online collaboration. By now you are likely more familiar with video call tools such as Zoom and of course email and other online messaging services have been in use for sometime. However, another method of virtual collaboration that is gaining more traction are services that allow for employees to collaborate not just with each other, but also with their clients.
For example, insurance companies have started to rely more heavily on applications that allow for documents to be completed and processed virtually, and one of these main tools includes smart documents and e-signature capabilities. This not only can help with efficiency, but during times when it isn’t possible to have in-person contact, these services can still be offered and as a result, the insurance needs of clients can continue to be fulfilled.
Self-Service Tools
Another avenue that companies have pursued in order to set up their digital approach to business is through the use of self-service tools. Again, in order to counteract the necessity for restricted in person services, businesses have moved towards using self-service portals and mobile apps to provide continuity and accessibility to customers on a broader scale. Through digital methods like these, insurance clients avoid the need to only be able to move forward with their insurance policy changes when only limited to reaching an insurance broker directly by phone or email.
As such, insurance brokers can effectively serve their clients and in turn, clients also have more ease and flexibility with regards to how and when they manage and access their insurance policies or other related services.
The Cloud
The Cloud, perhaps one of those technology pieces that although has been around for quite sometime, not everyone has found the time to gain a completed understanding of what it does exactly. In fact, many individuals are already using it in their daily lives without full awareness of its range of benefits.
Fortunately, Cloud technology has the ability to enable businesses to stay connected when using a broad range of devices, so that they can also provide more efficient costumer support and continuity of services. With the reality that employees are more likely to work from home or work remotely from different locations, businesses can still run smoothly without the need for everyone to be in the same place at the same time.
From an insurance perspective, this scenario also most certainly applies. Digital aspects of the Cloud can also help to protect insurance documents and the loss of information. Due to the strong nature of its data security, insurance companies can rely on the Cloud for storage, accessibly and protection of their insurance files; and in turn, clients can also rest assured that this information is kept safe with the help of this existing technology.
As insurance companies continue to be committed to serving the needs of their clients, the future prospects of incorporating more digitalized options can help them to rise up and meet these needs through a variety of unique and effective ways.
Contact Leaders Insurance to find out how we can help you manage your insurance policy needs, while both safety and efficiency remain at the forefront of our business goals this year.