How to Protect your Vehicle for Winter Driving

The inevitable is coming - winter weather in Canada. While winter temperatures can vary across the country, one thing is for sure, you can still expect at some point to see icy or snowy weather in BC. With that being said, one important step you can take right now is to prepare your car for the winter roads.Here are some specific aspects of car maintenance you can perform in order to protect your vehicle during the winter season.

  1. Washing the Exterior & Interior Regularly

First of all, it is important to wash your vehicle’s exterior on a regular basis. As temperatures drop and icy weather arrives, roads salt will be used to contribute to the safety of our driving. This material, however can also do a number on your car’s paint job. Furthermore, if there are any areas where rust has occurred, then the paint on your vehicle will be even more likely to experience additional damage. It is also recommended that you include a wax job afterwards, as the wax acts as a barrier by deterring the buildup of dirt, mud, water and snow, and of course, salt.

As for the interior, snow, water, and salt can also work their way into the inside of the vehicle and in turn can cause additional wear and tear to your vehicle’s upholstery. In order to avoid causing this type of damage to the interior of your vehicle, it is ideal to clean it regularly and remove any salt and snow before it leaves a deeper stain. For added protection against these elements, you can use rubber, all-weather mats to help keep the interior in good condition throughout the winter months.

2. Installing Winter Tires

Another method of protecting your car during the winter is to consider installing winter tires. While these can be a bit more expensive than other tires, this can also be seen as a bit of an investment in your vehicle and your safety. Not only do these tires help grip the roads in slippery conditions, and you can then also steer and break more effectively. In the end, with winter tires you are less likely to get stuck in deeper snow and yet can have more peace of mind that your vehicle will get you where you need to go – and as safely as possible.

3. Maintaining Wipers and Wiper Fluid

Next on the list is the windshield wipers. While windshield wipers serve an important purpose all year round, they are likely to see a lot more action during the winter time. With that said, it is important to make sure your wipers are in good working order as the last thing you want is to not have them do their job, if you find you are driving in inclement weather.

Another essential protective measure is to ensure you are keeping your vehicle’s wiper fluid topped up. That said, the type of wiper fluid you choose is also important and can depend on the temperatures in your area. However, it is Canada after all, and while we can never know from one moment to another, how mild or how frigid our winters will be, it is none-the-less, a good preventative step to use a wiper fluid that is designed to support colder weather. These steps can ultimately help to improve the safety of your driving as well as protect your vehicle during the winter season.

4. Being a Smart Driver

When all is said and done, even if you do have your vehicle in good working order, it won’t matter if you are not driving smartly. In order to protect yourself and your car during winter driving it is equally important to approach this with safety in mind. For example, when roads are slippery, remember to drive with caution and awareness, and this can include, braking sooner and leaving extra space between the other vehicles and yourself. By being even more alert when driving on wintery roads, this can help protect your vehicle as well as others around you.

When it comes right down to it, a large part of protecting your vehicle and yourself while driving all year round has to do with having the proper insurance. Especially during winter, this can become even more critical.

Feel free to contact Leaders Insurance to find out more about how we can contribute to your approach to safe driving, as well as to help you protect your vehicle while you are out on the roads this winter.