3 Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent

3 Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent

One of the best things about working with the same insurance broker on a regular basis is that you can build a rapport with them. Having ‘insurance rapport’ means you have trust that your agent will set you up with the best insurance for your business.

Not someone else’s business - your business.

Ok, so how do you go about building this rapport? A good place to start is by asking your insurance agent some important questions pertaining to your specific needs.

For example, you could start off by asking them ‘Do Transformers buy life insurance or car insurance?’… and while this is most certainly a totally valid question, it won’t necessarily get you the answers you need at this point in time.

Here are 3 questions you can ask an insurance agent when developing a relationship with them.

  1. What exactly does my insurance policy cover?

Let’s say, you have been recommended to go with certain insurance products for your business. It is important to make sure you ask the agent to explain in detail, what the policy covers. This can help you make sure the policy meets your needs, as well as that you understand what your responsibilities are in order to maintain this coverage over time.

An added benefit of working with the same agent over time, is that they can provide ongoing support and be in touch with you should any changes come up – or there are any other details that require your attention.

2. Can I take advantage of a multi-policy service?

Another great question to ask relates to the idea of having one or more policies through the same broker. For example, if you already have your business policy through the broker, you may also want to add in vehicle insurance and even home insurance. This way your broker can help you manage all of these policies ‘under the same roof’

Sometimes, bundling is also an option, and there is an opportunity to receive discounts and reduced fees by doing so. It never hurts to explore this possibility by asking, as it can have many benefits for you.

3. Do I need to extend my coverage based on where my property is located? (ie. flood zones, wild fires, etc).

Last, but not least is the question of extending your coverage. With all of the extreme weather events we have seen across Canada in recent years, another key piece to your insurance is taking into account if you reside or work in a region that is susceptible to floods, fires, and other potentially damaging seasonal conditions.

Making sure you have added the necessary coverage can help to give you the extra peace of mind you need. And should anything like this happen, your business – and your livelihood is well protected.

At Leaders Insurance, we highly value the relationships we have build with our clients.

And while our Transformers query from earlier may remain a mystery for now, your insurance agent can answer all of your other equally important questions.

I Need to Renew My Car Insurance, Does it Really Matter where I renew?

I Need to Renew My Car Insurance, Does it Really Matter where I renew?

As a small business owner or some one who is ready to step into the world of BC startups, it is likely that you already possess a lengthy checklist of important To-Do’s!

While looking to check all of these things off your list, you may also be looking at starting to use your vehicle for business-related purposes. If so, you’ll want to look into having the right car insurance for your business. Whether you already have a business vehicle or will be getting a new one, the issue of renewing your car insurance will be a reality at some point.

While, yes all BC car insurance does originate from the same place - the ICBC, you can also use a broker to facilitate this process for you. There are some major benefits to doing it this way, that can help you as you continue to operate or are getting set to launch your business.

How beneficial is it for me to work with a trusted broker when renewing my car insurance?

When it comes to car insurance renewal, there are some necessary steps to follow and sometimes, this isn’t always straightforward. Working with a broker who is familiar with the ins and outs of business coverage and vehicle insurance is quite favourable.

Let’s get into some specifics!

Get More in Depth Advice about Different Insurance Options

When it comes to renewing your insurance, working directly with your agent enables you to get some additional support. With direct advice from your broker, you will get a more detailed explanation of all of your insurance options.  This means you are not missing out on or overlooking any insurance coverage areas that can greatly benefit you and your business.

Get The Best Business Insurance Coverage For Your Needs

It’s one thing to have some vehicle insurance, and it’s another thing to have the most suitable insurance for your business. As a small business owner, you may rely on your vehicle to play a key role in your daily business operations, and that makes it even more important for you to have the best insurance for your business.

You don’t need insurance for someone else’s business – you need it for your business and your broker can help you optimize the coverage you need.

Get Ongoing Support From Your Broker

What’s more, it’s not just the initial process that your agent can help with. They are able to monitor the BC market for any changes that occur to the insurance renewal process.

In BC, car insurance has changed a lot in recent years, and having a relationship with your agent means you have someone keeping a watchful eye on these updates and informing you when it becomes necessary.

By opting to have your car insurance renewed through your agent, and someone who is already familiar with your insurance needs, this adds a personalized experience that enhances the level of service you will receive.

Leaders Insurance recognizes that startups and small businesses are continuing to grow across BC. For this reason, we know that as a business owner, you must be able to rely on your insurance agent to provide you with the best vehicle and commercial insurance.

With an individualized and straightforward insurance process, you will be able to continue to focus your energy on growing your business.

Insurance Trends 2022

Insurance Trends 2022

Like a lot of things in life, it’s important to think ahead so we can plan for the future.  Reviewing Insurance trends is one of those ‘fun’ things. While not always the most exciting way to spend your time, it is however, a very good use of your time.


Let’s dive in and take a closer look at some of the top insurance trends of 2022 that, as a BC resident are likely to impact you.

Canadian Insurance Trends this Year

One of the top trends likely fresh on your mind is insurance rates. With rates rising this is surely to have you feeling concerned about how this will affect your personal and business insurance costs.

Naturally, rising rates do often equate with higher insurance costs across many insurance areas. That said, a significant way to help provide some added comfort is to turn to your insurance agent for advice as they can help to find you the best rates possible for your needs.

By inquiring a bit further into the following insurance areas, we can get a glimpse of what you can expect from your insurance fees moving forward.

Property Insurance

In these more uncertain times, one of the top insurance areas on Canadian’s minds is often Property Insurance. With high inflation rates, insurance rates for properties are notably well above what they have been in previous years. With that being said, many insurance analysts in the know have indicated that rates are quite likely to stabilize soon.

One area of interest that Canadian residents and business owners will want to be sure to watch for with regards property insurance rates, includes the risks associated with natural disasters. The aftermath and the high financial costs of repairs, replacements and rebuilds that are likely to arise.

Liability/Casualty Insurance

Throughout 2022, it is not all that surprising that Liability or Casualty Insurance polices have also experienced rate increases, that said, in the single digits. As a result, this market has remained a bit more stable overall, compared to others.

Often combined with Property Insurance, Liability/Casualty insurance covers a wide range of areas, such as professional liability, commercial liability, personal liability, and vehicle liability.

When in place, liability insurance is an important way of protecting yourself personally and professionally. High legal costs associated with any damages to others’ property, including bodily injuries sustained by others while on or as result of your property, can carry significant financial ramifications also.

Cyber Insurance

This topic would not be complete, without mentioning the affects of cyber attacks on current and future insurance rates. Cyber security is one of the markets we can see trending upwards, with more cyber threats, unfortunately coming out of the woodwork all the time.

The risks towards these kinds of claims are evolving as new data becomes available, and pricing remains more of a challenge to pinpoint. That said, thanks to businesses and individuals who have been taking steps to up their cyber security game, rates may soon become more stable.

More on Climate Change Trends

Across many of the insurance areas, we can see how climate change is affecting insurance rates. With more extreme weather occurring across the globe, Canada, and of course more close to home in BC, business owners and residents are feeling the need to protect their livelihoods even more so from this potential for devastation.

For Canadians who are keeping a close eye on these types of developments, speaking with their insurance agent can be helpful in understanding how they should proceed when it comes to mapping out and finalizing their insurance policies.

Reach out to our agents at Leaders Insurance to learn more about how we can help you rest a bit easier knowing that with your coverage in place, your business and personal insurance needs are being taken care of.

Let’s make 2020 your best year ever!

Happy New Year! Are your insurance renewals up-to-date?

A New Year brings a clean slate of sorts and it’s time to setup the year for success. Whether you are a business owner, own a property or drive a vehicle – it’s important to check that all your current insurance policies are up-to-date and take note of when they are up for renewal. January is a perfect time to plan for the year head and we are here to help you through it.

What is an insurance renewal?

An insurance renewal is the standard length of time an insurance policy is in effect without an insurance company adjusting your rate. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and it is possible – on rare occasion – for your rate to change shortly after purchasing a new policy if you do not meet underwriting guidelines.

When Does an Insurance Policy Renew?

The renewal date of your insurance policy is based on the date your policy took effect. So, it could actually take place on any day of the year depending on when you originally started the policy. The other factor in determining your renewal date is the length of your policy period. Policies usually renew annually or semi-annually. The start of the year is a perfect time to take stock of when these renewals are coming due so you can plan ahead.

Renewal information is usually mailed or emailed to you 45 to 30 days in advance of your renewal. You will receive a declaration page along with other information explaining your policy. A new proof of insurance is usually enclosed with the declaration page.

What Should I Do When My Insurance is Close to its Renewal Date?

Look at your existing rate and see if you qualify for any further discounts. When you get your renewal reminder, this will help prompt you to do this review as sometimes insurance is easy to forget if you haven’t had the need to use it recently. It is a good time to contact your insurance agent to review your policy.

Why Insurance Rates Can Go Up

It is possible for every person insured with a given carrier to have a rate increase. Insurance rates can rise due to increased claim activity. If an insurance carrier is losing money, rates can increase. Also, if there appears to be a higher level of risk, an insurer will increase the value of the insurance on the policy to protect them from further exposure. Insurance policy renewals are a standard part of insurance. All policies renew and insurance companies have the ability to recalculate your insurance rate. Use this time of year to mark your renewal dates in 2020 so you know when to review your policy and think about possible changes.

Find an Insurance Broker that has a large network

When looking for insurance coverage, you want to partner with an insurance agency that has access to a wide network of insurers. This is key to getting the best coverage and the most competitive rates.

At Leaders Insurance, we can often source competitive insurance coverage where other agencies can’t. Our team has a wealth of expertise and we service clients not only in the Tri- Cities but also across the Lower Mainland and BC as a whole. As you plan out your year, please feel free to reach out to us so we can provide you with a quote for all your insurance needs. Let’s make 2020 your best year ever!

Let’s make 2020 your best year ever!

Why it Saves you Time to Find a Good Insurance Broker for all Your Insurance Needs

Why it Saves you Time to Find a Good Insurance Broker for all Your Insurance Needs

Why does it always feel like we have so much on our plate? Simply put, running a business is a lot of work. While you are focusing on the day-to-day running of your business, mixed with the future demands, this can certainly leave you with very little extra time to spare.

Add managing your various insurance policies on top that, and the pile keeps getting bigger. As a result, you are likely always trying to find new ways of doing things more efficiently.

That said, have you thought about the possibility of saving time by working with one insurance broker for all of your insurance needs?

If the answer is ’No’ or ‘Not Yet’, then you have come to the right place. Turning to one insurance agency for multiple insurance needs has many benefits – starting with saving you that extra time you have been searching for.

Benefits of Working with One Insurance Broker -

1) Saves You Time

While we’re on the topic of saving time, dealing with one insurance provider can significantly alleviate the amount of time you spend communicating with various agents. Often times, it can become confusing when dealing with too many people, and phone calls, emails, and in-person visits can really add up.

Not only does your calendar get too jammed up, but too many cooks in the kitchen can add additional stress that you just don’t have the time for.

On the other hand, working with one agency means you will be speaking with the same individual or individuals on a regular basis, and this will make for a much more straightforward process.

Built Trust

Plain and simple, working with the same set of insurance agent helps to build trust. It also means an increase in the quality of service. Working with the same broker amounts to not only an improved line of communication and understanding, but ultimately a more personalized service for your insurance needs.

With a long-lasting agent-client relationship, you can make the most of your business insurance, and reduce the time it takes to do, thus making your load quite a bit lighter.

Saving Money

Since you are already saving time, why not save some money in the process. Having built a rapport with a good insurance broker also means you have access to the best rates possible for your insurance.

Insurance can also be more affordable through the magic of bundling. Bundling your insurance, much as you might bundle your internet and cell phone plans, this approach can be very beneficial.

For example, if you already have your small business insurance through one agency, it also make a lot of sense to turn to that same broker to secure your other insurance necessities. These of course can include, home, vehicle, and other personal insurance areas. Commercial insurance is also compromised of a wide range of insurance coverage, as such, there may be others you want to consider adding to your current policy.

Your agent can help advise you on these different areas and together, you can decide which types of coverage you require, bundling them together to ease both your stress and the amount you will need to pay.

As a busy entrepreneur, the ’one-stop-shop’ approach to managing your insurance, can be one major way you can free up more time to put towards the management of your business. And with one broker at your side, quality over quantity can also prevail.

At Leaders Insurance, we understand how important it is for you to protect your business.

While people typically come to us because of our decades of experience offering business insurance, we also offer a diverse range of personal insurance packages. When you think about it, it just makes sense to combine both all in the same place.

Connect with one of our agents and find out how easy it is to get started. That way, you can move forward with more personalized insurance coverage that is the best fit for all of your insurance needs.

Do I Need Special Car Insurance When I Cross the Border?

Do I Need Special Car Insurance When I Cross the Border?

Now that travel has resumed similarly to normal levels since before the pandemic, you may be itching to get out for an extended road trip.

If you are planning to cross the border during your travels, it is important to be aware of what your car insurance covers as well as whether you might need to add some additional coverage to meet your needs.

Here is some relevant information to help you decide what is right for you.

Am I covered by my Canadian car insurance if I cross the border?

Whether venturing into another province, or crossing into the U.S., your current vehicle policy is likely to cover you for a wide range of areas. That being said, it is still highly important that you review all of the specific of your current insurance coverage, in order to determine if you are well protected.

One key area to identify is whether your car insurance has certain restrictions, such as only covering you for a certain period of time. If, for example you will be driving in the U.S. for an extended period of time, check your policy for these specific timeframes for travel.

Additionally, there may be some other limitations that could impact your coverage, depending on where you will be driving. It is always best to inquire about this with your trusted insurance agent to make sure you are fully covered for the exact trip itinerary you have planned for.

Should I Consider Additional Coverage?

Perhaps the biggest factor to keep in mind here is that when travelling south of the border, you may want to heavily consider extending your coverage. The reason for this is that while your current coverage may be sufficient when it comes to driving in Canada, it may not be enough to offset the higher insurance payouts that are typically seen in the U.S.

For example, if you are driving in the states and are involved in an accident, you may be found liable for injury or damage to another driver and their vehicle. In this instance, you will definitely benefit from increasing the limit of your Third Party Liability insurance.

Another circumstance to consider is if you or a family member are the ones injured in a collision stateside. As a result, you may want to add on more coverage such as, Family Protection coverage and even additional Collision insurance to your policy to make sure you have enough insurance in place to meet any potential medical costs and repairs that may be required.

Should you find yourself in either of these situations, you will ultimately want to ensure you won’t have to pay these potentially steep costs straight out of your own pocket. To help alleviate this added worry, it is well worth discussing your options with your insurance agent so that you can review your current vehicle insurance policy as well as any additional areas of coverage that might apply to your specific cross-border travel needs.

Should I contact my Insurance agent before my road trip?

Ultimately, when driving outside of BC, it can’t be stressed enough that you will want to revisit your current car insurance policy. While it is true that your Canadian policy does typically travel with you, the reality is it may not be enough to cover you to the same extend by the time you make your way onto U.S. roadways.

To help provide some extra peace of mind, it is best to take the time to reach out to your insurance agent. That way you will be able to enjoy your upcoming driving adventures to the fullest.

At Leaders Insurance, we look forward to connecting with you to go over the finer details of your current vehicle policy, as well as to ensure you are properly covered for all of your out-of- province road trip needs.

How to Protect Your Car During the Summer Months

How to Protect Your Car During the Summer Months

Are you eager to get out on the road this summer?

To ensure you can make the most of your upcoming adventures, there are some important steps you will want to take to prepare yourself - and your vehicle for summer driving.

While all elements of your vehicle should be in working order so that you can drive safely all year round, there are certain parts that are more impacted by the hot weather and will definitely require your attention before the summer months arrive.

Air Conditioning

For starters, with the warmer weather fast approaching, hopefully the vehicle you will be driving has air conditioning. That said, it is a good idea to get a head start on checking that the a/c is in fact working prior to any road trips, as well as during your daily commute. If you find it isn’t, it is advisable to have it fixed as soon as possible to ensure you are staying comfortable while on the go this summer.

Cooling System

In addition to the air conditioning working, you’ll also need to have the car’s cooling systems inspected. When exposed to hot summer weather, vehicles are more at risk of overheating. For this step, you’ll want to be sure to have the existing coolant flushed out and refilled.  While this can be done on your own, it is also advised to check with a mechanic to ensure that this element of your car is completely up-to snuff so you can head out on the road with out this added worry.


Next on the list is to examine all four of your vehicle’s tires. It is best to inspect the tire pressure as well as to have them rotated, with proper alignment on a regular basis. It is especially important to do this once more before you head out for a longer road trip this summer.

This also serves as a good reminder to have your snow tires removed, if you haven’t already done so. Since the hot weather can damage and wear down the rubber more quickly than cooler temperatures do, having all seasonal or season appropriate tires is recommended to help meet the demands of the hot pavement and warmer temperatures.

Windshield Wipers

Summer weather across BC and most of Canada is also known for rain  – and plenty of it at times. Heavy thunderstorms, as well as precipitation pf saying degrees can appear suddenly, so having your windshield wipers working properly is also critical to summer driving.

If while inspecting the wipers, you notice any wear and tear, it is a good idea to have them replaced to ensure that your visibility is not hindered when behind the wheel.

At the same time, you can check that the wiper fluid is topped up with the correct fluid for the season (not winter fluid) and that way, you won’t run the risk of running low on washer fluid midway through your outgoing.

Interior Protection

One final method of taking proper care of your vehicle during the hottest time of the year is to keep it safe from harmful sun rays. With the sun being at its most damaging during the summer months, your car can also be impacted if left unprotected.

To help prevent damage to the interior elements, such as the seats and dashboard, you can apply wax to act as a barrier or sunscreen. Another way to safeguard the interior from heat damage is to use a windshield cover to keep your car more shaded and cooler while parked directly or partially in the sun.

Summer can be an exciting time to explore the open roads, whether you are heading out on vacation or a daily jaunt here or there. To help beat the heat and protect your vehicle from the extreme summer temperatures, it is important to prepare for this ahead of time.


Making sure that you have the best insurance policy for summer driving should be a top priority. By continuing to have a strong relationship with your insurance team, you can make the most of your car insurance as well as other insurance requirements.

At Leaders Insurance, we can’t wait to assist you with your vehicle insurance needs and to help prepare you for all of the adventures that await you this summer.

Beyond Just Car Insurance

Beyond Just Car Insurance

Having insurance is an important way to keep our finances protected. What insurance coverage have you looked into for yourself? Perhaps you already have car insurance, and that’s a great start.

What about other types of insurance? Let’s take a look at some other kinds of coverage, beyond car insurance. Are there other policies you should consider?

Even if you aren’t a homeowner at this point in time, there are other ways you can protect yourself with insurance.

Renter’s Insurance

While homeowner’s insurance covers specific aspects of protecting your home, it also relates to coverage for your belongings and valuables. That said, if you are currently renting a home, whether that be an apartment, condo, or a house, having renter’s insurance is also a good idea.

With tenant’s insurance, you can keep your possessions protected while not requiring coverage for the structure, as this is the responsibility of the landlord. In the event, any of your personal belongings are damaged, destroyed, or stolen, this type of insurance can be vital when it comes to replacing these items – which often comes at a high cost.

Renter’s insurance, not unlike a homeowner’s policy also takes into account accidental actions on your part that result in damage to the unit you are occupying. Personal liability insurance is a fundamental part of a tenant coverage policy. It is definitely worth considering since, as a renter, you also have responsibilities attached to your living environment, even if you are not the home owner.

Learning about insurance as a whole, as well as being aware of all of the types of coverage available can be a valuable step towards managing your future insurance policies, whether this be a home insurance or another kind of policy.

Business Insurance

One other type of insurance you may want to consider is business insurance. Business insurance coverage comes in a variety of shapes and sizes and applies to a wide range of businesses. If you are thinking of opening up a business at some point, you can get a head start by looking into the various commercial insurance offerings.

From small businesses to e-commerce models, business insurance has expanded its scope to keep itself aligned with the evolving business world.

Some of the most common business insurance includes:

General Liability insurance, Commercial property insurance, and Business income insurance. Then there is e-commerce and cyber security insurance areas to factor into your decision and to help ensure your business is well-protected.

Just like most things in life, our insurance needs also change over time. So being well-versed in your policies as well as staying connected with an insurance agent can make the process considerably less overwhelming and more straightforward.

In the end, you want to do everything you can to protect yourself from financial stresses and having the right insurance in place can definitely help with this goal.

Discussing your insurance needs with an insurance agent you have worked with before is a worthwhile step towards finding the best policies, as well as at the most affordable rates possible.

At Leaders Insurance, we understand that managing your insurance policies is a very important part of your life. Our agents look forward to discussing your current and future insurance needs with you.

How Insurance Can Offer You Emergency Protection

How Insurance Can Offer You Emergency Protection

Have you ever found yourself wondering ‘why do I need insurance?’ and ‘will I actually even use it’?

While, yes there is always a chance you won’t need to use your insurance, the reality is that unforeseen events can occur, and as result it is best to plan ahead in the event you find yourself faced with a financial emergency.

One of the best ways to avoid being caught in this type of predicament is by having the proper insurance in place. In doing so you are taking steps to ensure you are adequately protected.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the main insurance areas you can benefit from having.

Car Insurance

Car insurance can apply to a variety of driving related scenarios. In terms of insurance packages, these range from liability to collision coverage. In certain cases you may need to pay for the repairs of the other party’s vehicle or for their medical bills, if found responsible for the accident. Despite the type of accident and the outcome, it can be very expensive to cover these costs.

Aside from the typical collision insurance, you may also need to fork out a significant amount of money towards repairs or replacement of your own vehicle. Situations that can lead to these issues could be vandalism, fire or other similar-damages, even if your vehicle has been stolen.

When it comes to operating a vehicle, there are many situations that can be out of your control, and insurance can help you to avoid the often-impossible task of having to pay completely out of pocket for major repairs, and/or legal fees.

Home Insurance

Likewise, there are different types of home insurance to consider. While some policies apply to home owners, some apply to tenants and come with their own set of criteria and areas that are covered.

Home insurance also falls into categories related to damages and liability. When it comes to damages, home insurance policies can cover scenarios where your home and your personal belongings are destroyed in fires, smoke, explosions, vandalism, theft and so on.

If a third party is injured while in your home or on your property, you could also be found liable.

There are many situations that necessitate having home insurance. These can also become expensive financial burdens to bear, and having the right home insurance can ultimately save you a great deal of money – and worry down the line.

Business Insurance

If you own a business, you will also want to protect yourself from various circumstances that are potentially damaging. Events such as third-party property damage, bodily injuries to others, not to mentioned a wide range of damages can occur to your business and impact your finances, including business assets.

In situations like these, you will likely need to turn to your insurance as repair, replacement costs, as well as others can be extremely high. Having the right insurance in place to protect your business can truly be worth its weight in gold.

In the end, having the proper insurance can help to alleviate the fears we may have about being able to afford these types of financial implications over time.

It is also important to connect with an insurance agent to ensure you have access to the most suitable insurance and in the process, protect your livelihood. Building rapport with an insurance agent can make a huge difference when it comes to managing your insurance across a range of areas.

Don’t let financial emergencies stand in the way of a happy future. Contact Leaders Insurance to find out how we can set you up with the best insurance for your needs. Our insurance professionals will take the time to help you understand the ins and outs of your unique insurance policy, so you can continue living your life with less worry.

Making a Claim on Your Vehicle Insurance

Making a Claim on Your Vehicle Insurance

Having to file an insurance claim is never fun, and even daunting at times. However, with a familiar insurance agent in your corner, this process can go a lot more smoothly.

As drivers, we definitely don’t set out knowing that we’ll get into an accident. That said the reality is that sometimes this can happen. Being prepared in a variety of ways prior to this possibility, can give you some well needed peace of mind.

At the top of this list can be informing yourself about how to make a claim on your vehicle insurance.

Here is some information on reporting vehicle claims in BC to help get you started.

Types of Vehicle Claims

Depending on the nature of the accident and the damage to your vehicle, there are specific claims that can be filed.

Emergency Roadside Claims

In the event your car breaks down, you can file an Emergency Roadside Claim. If, for example you have expenses related to the costs of replacing a flat tire, then there are existing claims to that can help.

Hit and Run Claims

While some claims relate to the type of collision or damage done to your vehicle, there are others as well that pertain to what occurs during the aftermath of the accident.

Hit and Run Claims, for example can be filed whether you are the victim of the hit and run, and even in circumstances when you are the one who has witnessed the incident.

Theft and Vandalism Claims

Types of claims that fall under this category include, vehicle theft as well as vehicle equipment theft. Whether it is your entire car that has been stolen or individual pieces of equipment that thieves have made away with, you can choose to file an applicable claim.

Specific to situations of vehicle vandalism, and ranging from serious scratches to unwanted graffiti art, insurance claims exist as well to help offset these kinds of repairs.

Weather Related Damage Claims

Other types of damage claims to be aware of are of the weather variety. Should your vehicle incur damages as a result of a weather event or even a fire, you can file a claim to assist with repairs or replacement

Speaking directly with your insurance agent will mean you have all the right information upfront. In addition to knowing what will be covered in each type of claim, your agent will also see to it that your claim is filed properly and as soon as possible.  Thankfully, this will also result in your car being repaired a lot faster.

Additional Benefits of Working with a Trusted Insurance Agent

While the information here represents an overview of some of the main areas of concern you may have about making vehicle claims in BC, it is also important that you connect with your insurance agent directly. That way, you can go through this process together, and they can answer any specific questions you may have about your insurance claims.

In certain events, your insurance premiums may increase, and having a direct line to your trusted agent can mean you will be kept apprised of this, as well as of any other relevant information. As a result, you can avoid being caught off guard by any major changes to your policy.

At Leaders Insurance, we understand that filing claims isn’t always straightforward. Working with our agents means that we are able to go through this process with you step by step, while also ensuring that all of your individual vehicle insurance needs are being met.

Contact us for more information and let us help to make the vehicle insurance claims process more seamless for you.

Insuring luxury vehicles and why it's important to select an insurance agent you can trust

Why it's Important to Select an Insurance Agent you Trust when Purchasing a Luxury Vehicle

Thinking about buying or leasing your dream car - and does that dream car just happed to also be a luxury vehicle?  

If so, there is some important insurance information you will want to be aware of. Read on to learn more about insuring luxury vehicles in BC and Canada.

What is a Luxury Vehicle?

First off, a luxury vehicle has its own unique classification in the eye of BC insurers. This includes passenger vehicles with proper registration, however does not pertain to motorcycles,  recreation vehicles and trailers, as well as commercial vehicles.

Overall, a vehicle that costs greater than $150,000 will very likely be designated a luxury vehicle and likewise, will require unique insurance coverage.

From collector cars to high-value vehicles, the insurance process and nature of the insurance coverage will vary.

Vintage vehicles, for example will have their own classification as well, which is based on a set criteria. Since drivers may use these classic cars only as a method of weekend travel, or from time to time, this will play a role in the insurance policies that are designed to preserve and protect them, as well as their drivers.

The type of luxury car you will be driving will require specialized insurance to ensure you have the most appropriate coverage to meet your needs.

Specialized Coverage

Depending of the exact luxury car model you are operating, the insurance coverage is also likely to differ.

Additionally, this uniquely-tailored coverage will likely require that you complete the application process, in order to secure specific coverage for your vehicle type.

On top of the basic auto insurance policies available, you will want to definitely consider adding special plans that include: damages, collision, comprehensive, well as Special Risk and Perils coverage.

Replacement Cost Coverage

Given that these higher-valued vehicles require specialized parts and in overall loftier repair costs, factoring in Special Risk insurance into your insurance is highly encouraged.

Replacement Cost Coverage, for example is one that should be at the top of the list when identifying which supplemental coverage to add to your luxury car insurance plan.

With this coverage in place, and in the event repairs are needed, this affords you the necessary funds required for the higher costs associated with using brand new parts to replace the damaged ones. Otherwise known as Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) coverage, this can also give you more peace of mind that your luxury vehicle has been restored to its previous condition.

The Role of Your Insurance Agent

As you look further into insurance coverage for your luxury car, it is best to seek out the expertise of your insurance company, in order to get the full picture of what to expect.

Not only can a trusted insurance agent provide the necessary information on insuring a car of higher value in BC, they can offer their specific recommendations on what insurance is right for you – and your vehicle.

In the case of a luxury vehicle application, they can walk you through the process and help you file this in a timely fashion. In doing so, you can drive your vehicle without further delay, also knowing that you have the best coverage in place.

At Leaders Insurance, we provide specialized insurance coverage with long-standing experience across a range of key insurance areas. These include, home insurance, business insurance, and of course, vehicle insurance.

We look forward to assisting you with all of your unique insurance needs - and helping you get behind the wheel of your dream vehicle.