Avoid Getting Rear Ended & Take Precautions - Tips on how to avoid a domino collision
With the current BC weather fluctuating between warmer and colder weather, roadways have definitely kept drivers on their toes lately.While accidents can occur even on the clearest of days, recent icy weather conditions have caused some additional concerns when it comes to an increase in vehicle collisions in this region. In addition to smaller vehicles incidents, bad weather, among other unfavourable driving conditions can also lead to accidents that cause a chain reaction, involving multiple vehicles.With that said, it is extremely important to be diligent and to follow the rules of the road, in order to protect yourself, your loves ones, as well as other drivers and their families. Read on to learn more about how to significantly reduce your risk of being involved in a rear end and/or domino collision.
Safe Driving Tips: How to Avoid Domino Collisions
Adhere to the Speed Limit
One of the best ways to avoid getting in a collision is to follow the speed limit. In this case, speeding can definitely lead to unwanted crashes when out of the roads, especially during poor weather conditions. When in combination with high volumes of traffic, inclement weather, and driving faster than you should, there is a higher risk of vehicle accidents that can lead to chain reactions.
As drivers, we should always adhere to the speed limits, as they are set for a reason. In the event you have to stop unexpectedly, if you are travelling at a slower speed, it is more likely that you will be able to stop in time and avoid a serious collision.
2. Maintain Distance Between Vehicles
In addition to speeding, not maintaining distance between other vehicles is another driving error that can commonly result in a major traffic accident. In fact, the ICBC actually states that when driving, it is necessary to keep to a distance that allows for two – three seconds of space between each driver and the vehicle in front.
They also go on to recommend that when operating a vehicle when road conditions are less than ideal, such as when visibility is partially hindered by fog or rain, drivers should remain at a distance of 4 seconds. In cases of more extreme weather, such as icy and snowy conditions, it is deal that this space be increases even further – and up to 6 seconds should be the norm.
In order to improve road safety and to reduce the occurrence of domino collisions, it is important that drivers keep their distance from one another, gauging the time between each other along with the nature of the road conditions at any given time.
3. Remain Alert/Avoid Distractions
This third safety tip reminds drivers of the importance of remaining alert at all times. It can only take a second and If you don’t watch the car in front of you, you could be the one to rear-end another vehicle.
This level of awareness is also important so that you are aware of how other drivers are operating their vehicles. Not only do you not want to cause an accident, you do not want to fall victim to a car crash as a result of the unsafe driving of others around you.
By maintaining alertness and distracted-free driving, this can significantly lower your chances of being in any type of car accident – especially one that leads to the domino effect and can place others safety in jeopardy.
4. Steer Clear of Larger Trucks
Lastly, in order to avoid dangerous outcomes directly related to unsafe driving, drivers can also be proactive and staying away from larger vehicles. Since it is just poor weather conditions that can restrict visibility when driving, so can driving behind or beside large trucks.
There are other reasons that trucks can be the instigators when it comes to collisions, such as the loss of cargo that can rather abruptly fall down onto the the road and even onto near by vehicles.
Either way, these types of dangerous incidents have been known to lead to major accidents, including the frequent occurrence of chain reaction crashes.
In the end, by monitoring your speed, maintaining distance between other vehicles, remaining alert, and avoiding driving behind big trucks, you can greatly reduce your risk of being in a car accident. These actions can also provide a greater sense of protection when it comes to avoiding the hazardous consequences that can result from being involved in a dangerous collision.
Ultimately as drivers, it should be our top priority to keep ourselves and each other safe while on the roads at all times. One other way to remain protected is to have the proper vehicle insurance coverage.
Reach out to our experts at Leaders Insurance to ensure you have the best insurance package for your needs and in turn, keep all aspects related to safe driving at the forefront of your mind each and every time you get behind the wheel.